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horse rug folding tip, horse rug storage, rug winter rugs, rugs -

Is your rug storage cabinet a mess with rugs bursting out the door?  This rug folding trick will save you space and keep your rug storage space organised!

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cotton combo, horse rugging, horse rugs, rain coat, rainsheet, rugging for winter, rugs, winter rug -

As the daylight hours begin to shorten and the temperature begins to dip horses will naturally begin to grow their winter coat. Horses begin to grow a winter coat as a biological reaction to the daylight hours shortening. Therefore, by the time autumn arrives your horse has already started growing his winter coat. Horses’ winter coats are incredibly effective at keeping horses warm and for some owners keeping their horse naked with a healthy winter coat is their preference. There are, however, other contributing factors that may mean rugging your horse is the best choice for your situation. Why rug?...

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equine thrush, hoof infection, hoof thrush, horse health -

Thrush is a fungal infection of the frog, which is found in the central and lateral grooves. It can be identified by the presence of a black, rotting flesh and an extremely foul smell. In severe cases, the infection may penetrate the horny tissues and the sensitive structures of the hoof, which can lead to lameness. The main causes of thrush are unhygienic conditions, for example when horses are kept in poorly managed stables that are not thoroughly mucked out daily. Horses can also develop thrush when they’re kept in dirty yards/ paddocks or in wet, muddy paddocks that are...

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equine swollen legs, greasy heel, hoof abscess, mud fever, rain scald, seedy toe -

Does your horse tend to stand around not doing much at all when it's raining?  With all this recent rainfall many horses have spent the past few weeks standing around with significantly reduced movement and little activity. This can often result in lower limb swelling, which commonly affects both hind legs. Is this swelling something to be concerned about? More than likely no, however your horse should be monitored carefully and treated accordingly. If the swelling is affecting both hind legs, the horse is not lame, the swollen legs are not hot to touch, and the horse is otherwise well,...

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benefits of hay, conditioning, feeding in winter, feeding tips, fibre, hay, lucerne hay, rainy weather, super fibre -

With all this rain has your horse’s condition dropped? Is he looking tucked up and ribby? Most horses tend to lose weight during cold, wet periods as they burn more energy to stay warm and often don't graze as much as they normally would. So, what can you do to help maintain your horse’s condition and keep him warm while it’s raining? The answer is hay, hay, hay! The fibre in hay and other forages is digested in your horse’s hindgut via the process of bacterial fermentation. A by-product of this fermentation process is HEAT! So, by feeding extra forage...

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