itch treatment RSS

equine itch, fly spray, insect control, insecticide, itch, itch management, itch treatment, permoxin, queensland itch, sweet itch, tick control, understanding itch -

Spring time means all those pesky insects that have been lying dormant during winter are back and biting! Whether it’s those dreaded midges that cause Queensland itch or the frustrating (and for dogs - life threatening) ticks, we have a product to help you combat both! Permoxin is an insecticidal spray and rinse concentrate for horses and dogs that works wonders to control pyrethroid sensitive flies, including Buffalo fly, Stable fly and biting insects, such as Midges on horses. Although not mentioned on the bottle, Permoxin will also work on ticks on horses when used consistently. Permoxin is also fantastic...

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equine itch, itch, itch management, itch treatment, queensland itch, sweet itch, understanding itch -

Dealing with itchy horses (also known as Itch, Sweet Itch or Queensland Itch) can be a frustrating and exhaustive task for horse owners. Understanding what itch is and what causes it is the first step to tackling it and managing the symptoms.

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